Sunday 25 January 2015

My not so very productive start to 2015....

So, from the post below you get the impression that I was super motivated and ready to kill 2015 with my over optimistic and well, somewhat foolish resolutions. however, it hasn't yet worked out. 

Early January I left university including my awful, awful, awful(!!!!) halls of residence. It was a hard move obviously because watching yourself fail as all your friends succeed (in terms of having a blast) is horrendous and something I have found really hard to deal with, but I just had to understand that it simply wasn't my time and that the important thing was for me to be happy... Although my dad didn't see it that way and definitely didn't take it well and I don't really blame him. After all, he was paying around £200 a week to have me living 15 minutes up the road studying something I hated, around people I had nothing in common with. 

Another thing that is sh*tting on my motivation and hope for this year is my poor use of eBay. I have so much to sell but no one wants my crap. What happened to 'one mans trash is another mans treasure. EFF EMM ELL! Oh and as for a craft hobbies. I haven't even bothered. 1. it's expensive 2. it's boring and 3.i'd rather watch gossip girl for the 100th time. My selfish ways..... hmm, I guess I'm still working on that. Putting my boyfriends needs in front of mine is proving hard but i'm definitely getting there... kinder.. 

Although I haven't got round to visiting my friends yet, it is only the last week of January, I have ages! 11 months in fact. ha! and plus I  start my new job next week, I've got a deferred Uni place for 'Product Design' and I also have an interview for 'Creative Adverstising'. 

I guess its not all as bad as I am making it out to be,  and even though I am a tiny  bit tragic. Ranting on here does helps me feel better though, I find it incredibly refreshing to talk without having to answer questions or to even face the judgement of a raised eyebrow/roll of an eye. I recommend it to anyone to write a nonsense blog like mine. It's great to well, I guess to kinder talk to yourself. (If you do start a nonsense blog, do comment and let me know. I'd love to read and to gain inspiration for my own) 

& thats it for now. 


Friday 2 January 2015

My New Years Resolutions... That I probably won't stick to.

I never normally make new year resolutions because I am completely and utterly the most weak willed and indecisive person I have ever known but this year I have bravely changed my mind due to having a very unproductive and depressing 2014. It's not that I want to improve myself per se, It's about bringing out the best in what I already have.

For example, My first resolution is to run and make profit from my Ebay account. I know this sounds silly as it won't really improve my life but I have things to sell so I might swell make the most of it. I have never really taken much interest in saving or making profit, however now I am becoming more financially dependent on myself it makes sense to make a start. I'll be selling everything I don't use, from shoes to bags, from gadgets to textbooks. I won't be missing out on anything as I have loads of free time and clutter in my room so why not.. after all one mans trash is another mans treasure!

My second resolution is too put my friends first by making an extra effort. So to start this, I will be beginning a 'pole dancing' class with  one of my girl friends as soon as we both get paid so we can have a day of socialising together each week. We are both crap at organising dates to see each other as we are both in relationships so it becomes hard juggling a job, a boyfriend and different friends! (Btw, Pole dancing is a really good way to lift your self confidence along with improving your fitness, its sexy and good for you. It is de
finitely not dirty or trashy in any way if you do it for the right reasons.) I want to visit all my friends at their university locations and blog about each city! I love visiting different places!

Being in a relationship for two years has made me extremely dependent on my boyfriends company, so as from today I have vowed to myself that I will make a strong attempt to never be irrational when he has to change our plans for something more important like his family or university work which sounds crazy i know but since I have been with my boyfriend I have become very selfish and everything has become about how i want something or how it will effect me. a bad thing - i know. So putting his needs before mine is my third new years resolution.

My fourth and final N.Y resolution is to take up a craft hobby or something that I enjoy to do, Like making cards or sewing.. something creative! I have been looking for inexpensive hobbies online but I haven't come across many and I'm still on the look out - so wish me luck!!!!

I hope you had a lovely New Year and I wish you all the best in 2015.
I hope you stick to your New Year Resolutions or at least give them a good bash!
I will be!!!!

bye for now ! MOAM x

Thursday 27 November 2014

Uni Hardship

So I came to Uni in september with all these expectations of making new friends and having the time of my life. Let me tell you now.. That's not what has happened.... or at least not yet! Don't get me wrong, yeah I've made  many new acquaintances but no one I've really gelled with. This made me think 'am i doing it wrong?!?' like obviously I knew it was going to be hard to make friends but not this hard. I'm three months in and I still find myself sat in my bedroom watching Dinner Date when I should be out socialising.

 During Freshers I personally found it hard to go out all the time, I'm not a big drinker anyway but I still made an effort to get dressed up and go out. Not as much as others but still, the effort was there. I found myself to be apart of quite a big group of people from my accommodation that at the time I was in the ''wow this was so easy I love these peeps'' mind set... but after time, you get to know peoples habits and how they are when they are drunk and this wakes you up from the Freshers dream and makes you realise the people you thought got you don't get you at all. 

I also think I pulled the short straw with my Living situation. I got into University through Clearing and this led me to live with a girl in 2nd year (of whom already had her friends in the flat a few doors down), Two foreign exchange students (two guys from Turkey and France) and another boy in the same situation as me. The English guy that I live with was also apart of the same friendship group .. and even he has decided they were cliquey and hard to get on with. Maybe we aren't big enough characters or maybe we are just freaks.. who knows. Anyway.. he made some friends on his course and has already sorted where he is living next year. The jammy git!! But, anyhow what I cant stop questioning is that if I didn't come in through clearing would I be having a better experience if I was in a normal flat with all 1st years like me?!.. Then surely at i would have least 3 more people who I could have potentially found a best friend in or at least someone to watch Dinner Date with. 
But then again.. I've never been a person to have many friends, I've always kept a small group of 1 or 2, so hardly a group at all. I do have 'separate' friends though, people I've met over time individually from Jobs and mutuals of mutuals kinder thing; but never a big group.

Another thing you should know, Sharing living space with 4 other people is a mighty challenge.. at first the kitchen and living room was always clean, but as the days became weeks and the weeks became months, Oh how that changed. HOW CAN PEOPLE LIVE IN SUCH DIRT! if you like a clean kitchen and a nicely smelling home, then just don't live with others. you go buy your self a studio room and eat where you ****! because honestly, when you live with people who leave their curry in the fridge, and cooking oil from the eggs they just fried on the stove you'll want to boil your brocolli in the bath. Believe me. A top tip from me is to definitely buy some Febreeze and carry that bugger in your pocket. you'll need it for when the bins are brimming and the milk is turning. 

Thats it for now I guess.. ran out of things to say. I'm sure I'll think of more for next time.
Anyway, Ciao for now